
Thursday, 29 May 2014


On Fridays we will be going to the swimming pools. We go to the Otara pools. It is fun, we learn how to swim there. Our coaches are Steve, Stan and Peter. Room 12 loves to swim. The little pool was a bit cold but the big pool was colder.                                           

By Mele and Rita.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Maui and the Sun

I like reading Maui and the sun because it tells us about Maui using the magic jawbone to smash the sun. Maui took his brothers with him so that they can slow the day down because the days were too long.

What's your favourite book?

By Tuiko and Victoria


On  Friday we went to the swimming pool in Otara. We brought our togs, towel and our plastic bag. We went and sat down on the seats and waited for the people to come and tell us to go inside   the pool. Our instructors names were Stan Peter and Steve. They were teaching us to swim and split us up in to groups. We were playing a game called What's the Time Mr Shark? The instructors were the shark and if they touch you that means you are the shark. 
Check back next week for some photos.
By Rita, Victoria and Tavita.            


Thursday, 15 May 2014

Safety Around Beaches

At the beach do not go too far away from an adult. Be careful of smooth water between waves because something BAD might happen to you. You might get pulled in to a rip. If you get in a rip, don't try to swim back because you will be tired and be going nowhere. So instead follow the waves and try get to the side. Always swim between the flags.
By Papehia and Scott

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Constable Painter

One day Constable Painter came in to our class. She was telling us how to keep safe, she taught us a game  it is kind of like noughts and crosses. Constable Painter asked us questions about our rights and responsibilities which was a part of the game.

Rights are things that people say and do. The things you need like having the right to learn or have food and clothing.

Responsibilities are the things that are your decisions and the things that you say and do.Can you give us an example of a right or responsibility?

By Logan, Orlando, Rita and Mele

Dontay's Farewell

Last week on Friday it was Dontay's last day at day at Dawson Primary. At the end of the day Dontay's lovely mum brought cupcakes and chocolate for the whole class. We were really sad when he left. We wish him good luck at his new school. Hopefully he will visit our blog.

By Arsenah and Kryzlah

Monday, 12 May 2014


On Monday we played soccer in the hall. It was AMAZING. We had coaches. Their names were Coach Mika and Coach C. First the people with the bibs had to run around and be the truck. The other person, the trailer had to keep up with them. The next go they made it harder by putting a soccer ball in the game. Then they made it  EXTREMELY hard because the trailers were allowed to steal the ball. After that we were passing the ball. That was TERRIFIC. I cant wait to do soccer again.
By Scott


In Room 12 we have a book called crocodile cake. The best part in the book is eating the crocodiles  tail. The scary part in the book was when the girl ran in the dark night and the crocodile was chasing her. 

By Rita and Skyler

The Butterfly Garden

At Dawson Primary we have a butterfly garden, also we can see the butterflies at lunch time. I like butterflies that have orange and black wings. The butterfly garden is filled with beautiful butterflies. Room 12 know what a boy and a girl butterfly look like. Do you know how to tell the difference?
By Arsenah

Our New Students

Hi guys! We have got new students in our class. Our new student Scott plays rugby. He plays for the Otara Scorpions. Tavita plays basketball. Our new friends have come from different schools.

By Denarius


Wednesday, 7 May 2014


Today Mr P let us look after the Fish in the Wetland. We are learning what to feed the fish. We are thinking about more fish to put in the wetland. We have to look after the fish carefully because of the birds, so we are building a shelter so the fish don't get eaten. Remember - if you have got a pet take care of your wonderful pets. 
By Orlando

Swimming Pools

Room 12 are going to the swimming pools at Otara Pools next week on Friday. The bus is going to take us to swimming.We need to remember our togs, towel, a hair brush and hair tie for people with long hair and a plastic bag. We are going to have a fun time at the swimming pools.
By Rita and Owen


Room 12 had two teachers who were  coaching us for soccer. They were teaching us the five ways you could dribble the ball with the parts of your feet. They said it was the top, the bottom, the outside and inside of your feet and ankle. The coaches names were Coach Mika and Coach C. 
By Bailey.

Our Fantastic Holiday

During the school holidays each person in room 12 had a fantastic time staying with their family or friends. In the holidays some people went all over the country and some stayed right where they live. Other people went places like Rainbows End, the pools, the zoo or went to other countries. We hope everyone had a great holiday.

By Dontay - Viliami

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Welcome back to Term 2

Welcome back to Term Two everyone. We hope you enjoyed your holidays. We are proud to come back to school to learn lots more interesting information.
By Kryzlah and Bailey