Saturday 16 February 2013

Life Cycles

Room 12 have been planting some swan plants. We used some yoghurt containers. We put some soil in and then we put in the seeds. We water the plants everyday. 

Vivili, Raphael and I drew a life cycle of a butterfly on a long blue piece of wood. First I painted the leaf and the eggs. Vivili painted the tree.Then we painted the butterfly. Katelyn, Michael and Levron drew the life cycle of a swan plant on the other piece of wood. These were put together by Room 20 to make a garden for the swan plants. Some big swan plants have been planted and we will put ours in the garden once they get a bit bigger.

Levron bought part of a swan plant which has already grown to school and their are lots of caterpillars crawling all over it. 

By Tanisha

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